
Govt piloting single-window customs clearance for vehicles 

The government is piloting the Lao National Single Window (LNSW) scheme at international border crossings, seeking to speed up customs clearance for vehicles and link the country to the Asean single window system. The Ministry of Finance’s Customs Department signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) ...

Somsack Pongkhao

Borikhamxay route favoured for Vientiane-Hanoi highway

Laos and Vietnam have approved plans to build a Vientiane-Hanoi highway passing through Laos’ central province of Borikhamxay and Vietnam’s central province of Nghe An, over a distance of about 700 kilometres. An official from Borikhamxay province, who did not wish to be named, told Vientiane ...

Khonesavanh Latsaphao

World Bank approves upgrade of key arterial road

The World Bank has approved a project that aims to improve National Road No. 13 as part of efforts to create better conditions for people living along and using this primary corridor. The bank made the announcement last week after its executive directors agreed to ...

Ekaphone Phouthonesy

Laos calls for joint effort to overcome global inequality

Laos has joined the international community in calling for a united effort to address inequality across the globe in pursuit of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A Lao government delegation led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay ...

Vientiane Times

Huaphan marks Visit Laos Year, city pillar’s 10th anniversary

Thousands of visitors crammed the provincial capital on Friday to enjoy the colourful activities organised to officially launch Visit Laos Year in Huaphan province. The occasion coincided with the 10th anniversary of Xameua district’s city pillar, which takes centre stage in the townMore ...

Vientiane Times

Illegal logging found in Savannakhet as to Prime Minister’s Decree No15

Over the last two years, Savannakhet authorities has discovered a number of illegal logging cases which infringed the laws and regulations on governance of timbers and logging entrepreneurship. Provincial forest inspection authorities have investigated 279 cases violating Lao Forestry Law and Wildlife and Aquatic Law ...

Laos Update

Vientiane authority to control unemployment rate at 2% of workforce

Lao govt aims to reduce the unemployment in Vientiane Capital to under 2% of its labor force by means of promoting jobs to 35,000 people in the market in 2018.More ...


Agriculture centres offer chance for development

The Theun-Hinboun Power Company (THPC) has handed over four agricultural development centres to district authorities in Borikhamxay province to help foster sustainable livelihoods in the area.  The agriculture centres, in the villages of Nongxong, Sopphouan and Phonthong in Khamkeuth district, and Keosenkham village in Xaychamphone ...

Vientiane Times

Authority orders paper mill to cease test operations

Savannakhet province authorities have ordered a paper factory in Xepon district to stop conducting tests until construction is complete, with its operations suspected of causing river pollution. The Chinese-owned factory, claimed to be the third largest of its type in the world, test ran equipment ...

Vientiane Times

Local Farmers to benefit from Lao PDR Agriculture Competitiveness Project

(KPL) More than 140,000 people will benefit from efforts to make rice, maize, and vegetables more productive and profitable through the Lao PDR Agriculture Competitiveness Project. The agreement for the US$25 million project was signed on Thursday, May 17, by the World Bank and the ...


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