
Fighting Poverty by Protecting Landscapes

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the World Bank have launched a US$57 million Lao Landscapes and Livelihoods Project that will generate jobs and incomes in rural areas by promoting investment in environmentally sustainable and socially-responsible forest and landscape management, and in the preservation ...


Laos to earn revenue from sale of carbon credit next year

The people of Khongxedon district and surrounding areas in Saravan province will have better opportunities for healthcare and medical treatment thanks to the US government’s support for the renovation of facilities at Khongxedon district hospital.Keep reading   ...

Times Reporter

Climate mitigation initiative yields fruit

A completed initiative to protect the climate has contributed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving livelihoods, and conserving precious and fragile biodiversity, a report has revealed. Initiated in 2011, the Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation Programme (CliPAD), which ends this year, aimed to address the loss ...

Times Reporters

Laos, World Bank ink deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Ministry of Energy and Mines and the World Bank on Thursday signed an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement for the Lao Clean Cook Stove Initiative to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.The project will be complemented by carbon finance capacity ...

Bounfaeng Phaymanivong

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