Aid and development

Development policy and administration

Vientiane meeting aims to smarten up provincial development

Representatives from development partners and line departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology met last week in the capital to increase understanding about smart province development. Smart province development is a community strategy centred on systems using science and technology, including environmental conservation, information and ...

Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth

Laos to preserve Bolaven Plateau as green development zone

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times) – The government plans to ensure that the Bolaven Plateau in the southern province of Champassak remains a clean agricultural area and maintains its green culture and tourist attractions in the face of development threats.According to a government media release on Wednesday, ...

Ekaphone Phouthonesy

Lao Govt, private sector collaborate on green growth

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Government officials and members of the private sector met in Vientiane yesterday to discuss the challenges and opportunities for private sector engagement in green growth and climate change in Laos.The meeting, titled Private Sector Engagement in Climate Change and Green Growth, ...

Siladda Souliyong

Laos tackles eight pressing issues to spur development

The government has agreed to take steps to address eight pressing issues in a bid to move forward with its plans to expedite national development.The move was agreed upon at a 3-day meeting of cabinet members, the Vientiane Mayor and provincial governors, which wrapped up ...

Somsack Pongkhao

Lao Policy-makers get lessons in regulatory impact assessment

The government is conducting regulatory impact assessment (RIA) training for policy-makers working at the national and provincial levels.The training is taking place in Vientiane from March 13-15. Its goal is to ensure that Laos develops a well-functioning regulatory system which protects the community and the ...

Times Reporters

Round Table retreat reviews implementation of 2018 recommendations in Laos

The government and development partners met in Vientiane on Friday to discuss translation of the key recommendations of the 2018 Round Table Meeting into concrete follow-up actions.The annual retreat on the 2019 Round Table process, which also discussed the roadmap towards the 2019 Round Table ...

Times Reporters

Laos unveils new development vision

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The government has unveiled a new national development vision, which it plans to achieve from 2021 to 2025.According to government guidelines on the implementation of the 2019 national socio-economic development plan, which were distributed at a recent meeting of finance and ...

Ekaphone Phouthonesy

Govt examines Vientiane’s unapproved projects

The Vientiane Administration has asked the government to consider and endorse formerly unapproved infrastructure development projects that the city has carried out in the years since 2005.Over the past years, many state departments and provinces carried out projects without obtaining approval from the government or ...

Souksakhone Vaenkeo

Going Live: Round Table Meeting Reviews Laos’ Development Streamed On Youtube

The long, winding road to widespread and deep-rooted socio-economic development for the benefit of all people in Laos passed a milestone yesterday with the 2018 holding of the annual Round Table Implementation Meeting of Lao policymakers, stakeholders and partners including the United Nations streamed live on YouTube.More ...

The Laotian Times

Laos, int’l partners discuss development cooperation

The economy, social affairs, the environment, and other cross-cutting aspects of governance were the focus of talks between the government and its development partners at their two-day Round Table Meeting, which continues today.Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, Dr Kikeo Chanthabouly, and UN Resident Coordinator ...

Somxay Sengdara

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