Vientiane Times/ANN

New websites promote shared Laos-China destiny

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – It is time for old-fashioned media outlets, especially newspapers, radio and television, to fall in line with modern-day working methods and the changing demands of society. This should be reflected in content, online platforms, methodology and marketing.This was the message from ...

News Desk

Generating tests take place at Don Sahong dam

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Tests were run last week on the first of four electricity generators at the Don Sahong hydropower plant on the Mekong River in Champassak province, after construction began in January 2016.“According to the plan, the Don Sahong Power Company will test ...

News Desk

Planning ministry confers on development strategy, challenges

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Ministry of Planning and Investment is continuing efforts to enhance cooperation in response to challenges in implementing the government’s socio-economic development plan up to 2020.Representatives of the ministry and other authorities met in Vientiane on Thursday and reviewed the implementation ...

News Desk

Drug bonfire highlights Laos’ efforts to control abuse

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Over 700 kg of illegal drugs seized in police raids were set alight in Dongmakkhai village, Xaythany district, Vientiane, on Saturday to mark National Day against Drug Abuse and Trafficking, which falls on October 12.Among the drugs burned were 385.94kg of ...

Phomphong Laoin

Lao Telecom tests 5G technology

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Lao Telecommunications Public Company (Lao Telecom) has begun tests of the new 5G technology, the much-touted high-speed fifth generation communication network.A test took place yesterday at the company’s headquarters in Vientiane and was attended by Lao Telecom’s board of directors and ...

News Desk

Laos, partners review fight against tuberculosis, HIV, malaria

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Government officials, development partners, local organisations and authorities recently gathered for a seminar to promote the contribution of the French technical support programme (the 5 Percent Initiative) to the fight against tuberculosis, HIV and malaria in Laos.The seminar was organised by ...

News Desk

Xayaboury dam to begin commercial operation next month

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Xayaboury hydropower plant on the Mekong River has scheduled a Commercial Operation Date (COD) for next month, with construction of the dam close to completion.An official opening ceremony for the COD is expected to take place on November 28, and ...

News Desk

Saravan prepares new crop to replace harvest lost to floods

Farmers in 50 villages of Khongxedon district, Saravan province, are preparing to plant over 3,000 hectares of dry season rice after they lost a large amount of the wet season rice crop in the recent floods.The Deputy Governor of Khongxedon district, Mr Khamfeua Khounnisai, said ...

Phomphong Laoin

Asean Business Awards Laos promote outstanding entrepreneurs

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The 18 winners of the Asean Business Awards (ABA) Laos 2019 were officially acknowledged as talented economic players with great potential for domestic business expansion as well as within the Asean business community.Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Somdy ...

News Desk

BCEL, EV Lao to produce smart card for electric vehicle charging payments

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCEL) and the EV Lao Co., Ltd. are partnering in the production of a smart card for the payment of charging costs for electric vehicles.A Memorandum of Understanding on the project was signed in ...

News Desk

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