The Laotian Times

Government Appoints Special Task Force to Combat National Level Crises

The Lao Government has upheld its commitment to improving its disaster management system nationwide by establishing a special committee tasked with overseeing the management of national level crises.More ...

The Laotian Times

Xe-Pian Dam Bursts its Banks Causing Catastrophic damage

Attapeu provincial authorities have confirmed that the Xe-Pian Dam burst its banks yesterday, causing millions of tons of water to flood the local area, and causing widespread damage.More ...

The Laotian Times

Government of Laos Responds to US Visa Restrictions

The Government of Laos has issued a response to the recent visa restrictions placed upon citizens of Laos, which has caused confusion among Lao communities.More ...

The Laotian Times

US to Cease Issuing Visas to Laos Citizens Following Deportation Row

The Trump administration has ordered suspension of the issuance of certain visas to citizens of Laos after the country refused to take back its persons deported from the United States.More ...

The Laotian Times

Laos Ranked 42nd Most Vulnerable Country to Climate Change

Laos has been ranked as the 42nd most vulnerable country to climate change. This is due to the country’s proneness to climate-related hazards. Laos’ susceptibility to natural disasters manifested again last week with flooding in Phongsaly province. Several districts suffered from the loss of crops, breaking of ...

The Laotian Times

Laos Places 132nd On Status of Children Report

Save the Children launched a new global report, ‘The Many Faces of Exclusion’ where it ranked countries based on a range of indicators related to childhood.More ...

The Laotian Times

South Korea Eyes Strawberry Farm Project In Xiengkuang

On the 3rd of July, President of the South Korean Association of Arts and Culture Dr Yu Hian Suk and her delegation met with Acting Party Head of Xiengkuang Province Bounthon Chanthaphone to discuss the possibility of establishing a strawberry farm in Xiengkuang.More ...

The Laotian Times

ACLEDA Bank Lao Launches Mobile App ‘ACLEDA Unity Thanchai’

ACLEDA Bank Lao announced yesterday launched its new “ACLEDA Unity Thanchai” mobile phone banking service. A virtual ‘bank in your hand,’  it provides a convenient and secure way to manage all daily banking transactions anytime and anywhere. It is available in both Lao and English languages and handles transactions in LAK (Lao ...

The Laotian Times

Vientiane’s Problematic Donnokkhoum to Nakhuay Road to be Expedited

Authorities in Vientiane Capital hope to resolve the problems facing construction of a new road stretching from Donnokkhoum to Nakhuay villages, connecting to the 450 Years Road in Saysettha District.More ...

Vientiane Times

Ground Broken at First Private Data Center in Laos

A groundbreaking ceremony was held in Hatxaykhao village yesterday as construction began for the LaoDC data center, the first licensed, privately owned data center in Laos. The LaoDC data center will be one of the largest data centers in Laos, More  ...

The Laotian Times

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